Chelated Micronutrients

WonderPlus® Water soluble chelated micronutrients for Soil Fertigation and foliar application

Intensive crop production calls for perfectly balanced nutrition that includes all plant essentials. Special care and reliable monitoring are required when it comes to chelated micronutrient deficiencies, as they may impair plant growth.

  • Even hidden deficiencies, with no visual symptoms, put yield levels and crop quality at risk.
  • Designed for soil fertigation and for foliar application, maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN dissolves fully and rapidly in water.
  • maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN products are the ideal complement for plant nutrition in a broad variety of crops, for optimal development and best yield.
  • For adequate supply of micronutrients throughout the growth cycle and for prompt correction of deficiencies it is recommended to apply maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN - micronutrient fertilizer.
  • maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN micronutrient fertilizers are manufactured according to the highest international standards, with strict quality control.
1Boron 20% Wonder Plus Bo 20%
2EDTA Chelate Calcium 10% ( Ca-10%) Wonder Plus Ca-10%
3EDTA Chelate Copper 12% (Cu-12%) Wonder Plus Cu-12%
4EDTA Chelate Ferrous 12% ( Fe-12%) Wonder Plus Fe-12%
5EDTA Chelate Magnesium 6% (Mg-6%) Wonder Plus Mg-6%
6EDTA Chelate Mangenese (Mn-12%) Wonder Plus Mn-12%
7EDTA Chelate Zinc 12% (Zn-12%) Wonder Plus Zn-12%
8Micromix Powder (Soil Conditioner) Mg 9.6% S-12%Wonder Plus Micromix
9EDTA Chelate Combi Powder (Mix Micronutrients) Zn -3%  Fe-2.5% Mn-1% Cu-1% Mo-0.1%  Wonder Plus Combi

maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN :

  • Complements plant nutrition
  • Facilitates growth and boosts vigor
  • Supports flowering and fruiting
  • Enhances plant resistance to disease, insects and frost
  • Correct deficiencies and cure mal-functioning of the plant

The Mechanism of Chelates

Chelate is a complex of a micronutrient ion and an organic molecule that "holds" it, called ligand. As long as the ion is attached to the ligand, it is protected from interacting with other ions in the solution, which might turn it unavailable for plant uptake.

As the Chelates micronutrient ions are consumed by the plant, more ions are released from the holding ligands, thus becoming available for plant uptake.This mechanism maximizes the efficiency of the micro nutrients applied. When maxEEma CMN is applied, the chelates ensure availability of micronutrients in both alkaline and acidic soils.

The benefits of maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN - Micronutrients Fertilizer :

  • All micronutrients are in a chelated form, to maximize stability and efficiency
  • maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN chelates are fully soluble in water
  • maxEEma WonderPlus® CMN chelates are absorbed by the plant rapidly and efficiently
  • Compatibility with a wide range of agrochemicals enables tank-mixing, thus reducing the cost of spray operations by minimizing the number of application needed
  • Zinc is crucial for plant hormone balance and auxin activity and it is vital for growth, a division of cell and production of husks of grains.
  • Iron assists in biological process and cell growth in plants. Iron is a component of enzymes, essential for chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis.
  • Boron enhances flowering blooms and develops uniform ripening process and it is essential in sugar transport, Cell division, and amino acid production.
  • Manganese performs an important role in photosynthesis, chloroplast production, a cofactor in many plant reactions and activates enzymes.
  • Copper stimulates enzymes required for photosynthesis.
  • Molybdenum is crucial for the growth of leaves and prevention of diseases in plants and it is involved in nitrogen metabolism, essential in nitrogen fixation by legumes.

Except for Molybdenum, Other micronutrients are considered weakly mobile or immobile in plants. This means that deficiency symptoms appear severely on newest plant tissues, whereas for Molybdenum deficiency symptoms appear first on oldest plant tissues.

  • Zinc deficiency results in stunted growth, lessened internode length, young leaves are smaller than normal.
  • Iron deficiency leads to chlorosis or yellowing between the veins of new leaves.
  • Boron deficiency results into light general chlorosis, a death of growing point, deformed leaves with areas of discoloration.
  • Manganese (Mn) deficiency cause chlorotic mosaic patterns on leaves.
  • Copper deficiency results in light overall chlorosis, leaf tips die back and tips are twisted, loss of turgor in young leaves.
  • Molybdenum deficiency is similar to those of ordinary nitrogen deficiency – general chlorosis (yellowing) of young plants, chlorosis of oldest leaves.



