
Protection from diseases for a healthier farm output

Fungicides are Agrochemical products used to combat fungi that cause specific diseases to cultivated plants. According to the method of interaction between fungicide and fungus, a distinction can be made between products with a preventive action, which stop the pathogen from getting into the plant and spreading, and products with a curative action, capable of controlling infestation after the pathogen has attacked the host plant.

maxEEma’s fungicides are fighting a vehement battle for food, fodder as well as industrial crops against a broad spectrum of crop diseases. Our Mancozeb formulations, with their multi-site, protective action on contact, are driving the fight against resistant fungi. Newer technologies are adding the advantages of easy dissolution and dispersion, complete coverage, lower dosages to our formulations.

Hexaconazole 5% + Captan 70% WP

Mode of Action: Contact & Systemic.

Major Crops: Fruits & vegetables and various other crops

Target Disease: Powdery mildew, anthracnose, late blight, early blight, downy mildew & grey mildew diseases

Dose / Acre: 300-350 g

Manufacturers of Biochemical pesticides

Difenoconazole 25% EC

Mode of Action: Systemic

Target Disease: Leaf spot diseases, powdery mildews, rusts and an gainst scab in apple, sheath blight in paddy, fruit rot in Chilli, blight and powdery mildew in cumin and purple blotch in onion.

Major Crops: Paddy, Chilli, Cumin, Apple, Onion.

Dose / Acre: 50-100ml /100 liter of water for Paddy, Chilli, Cumin. 15ml/ 100 liter of water for apple and 100ml/100 liter of water for Onion.

Supplier of Biochemical pesticides

Hexaconazole 5% SC

Mode of Action: Curative and protective

Target Pests: Sheath Blight, Powdery mildew

Major Crops: Rice, Mango, Vegetable Powdery Mildew & sheath blight

Dose / Acre: 300-400 ml

Exporter of Biochemical pesticides

Mancozeb 75% WP

Mode of Action: Contact

Target Disease: Rust, Blight, Downy mildew, Blast and Leaf spot

Major Crops: Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Chilli, Potato, Tomato, Groundnut, Graps, Banana, Apple & Cumin.

Dose / Acre: Foliar spray : 600-800 g
Seed Treatment : 3 g /Kg of seeds

Manufacturers of Agrochemicals

Propiconazole 25% EC

Mode of Action: Systemic

Target Disease: Kernel bunt, Rust, Sheath Blight, Cercospora Leaf spot, Blister blight

Major Crops: Wheat, Groundnut, Rice, Tea and Soybean

Dose / Acre: 200-300 ml

Supplier of Agrochemicals

Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP

Mode of Action: Systemic & Contact with strong protective and curative action.

Target Disease: Blast in Paddy, Leaf spot, rust in Ground nut.

Major Crops: Cotton, Paddy, Vegetables, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Mango, Grape, Citrus

Dose / Acre: 300 g

Manufacturers of Biochemical pesticides

Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP

Mode of Action: Systemic & contact

Target Disease: Against diseases like Early Blight, Late Blight, Tikka, Downy Mildew, Brown and black rust, Blast, etc.

Major Crops: Paddy, Wheat, Vegetables (Chilly, Tomato, Potato etc) Horticultural crops (Grapes, Apple), Plantations (Tea, Coffee etc).

Dose / Acre: 300-400 g

Supplier of Biochemical pesticides

Carbendazim 46.27% SC

Mode of Action: Broad Spectrum Systemic with protective and curative action

Target Disease: Blast, Sheath Blight, Loose Smut, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Scab, Damping Off

Major Crops: Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Cotton, Chilli, Apple and Grapes

Dose / Acre: 250 ml

Exporter of Biochemical pesticides

Sulphur 80 % WG

Mode of Action: Contact

Target Disease: Powdery mildew

Major Crops: Apple, Grape, Mango, Pulses, Cumin

Dose / Acre: Foliar Spray : 500-1000 g
Soil application : 3 to 5 Kg

Supplier of Agrochemicals

Fipronil 0.3% GR

Mode of Action: Systemic

Target Disease: Blast, sheath Blight in Rice, Powdery Mildew, Fruit Rot in Chilli, Tikka and Rust in Groundnut, Purple Blotch In Onion, Anthracnose (Pod Blight) In Soyabean

Major Crops: Paddy, Chilli & Groundnut, Onion, Soyabean

Dose / Acre: 200-300ml

Supplier of Agrochemicals

Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

Mode of Action: Systemic

Target Disease: Powdery mildew in Papaya, Scab in Apple, Brown rust and Leaf blight in Wheat, Ring rot in Tomato, Anthracnose in Bottle gourd, Powdery Mildew in Cucurbits, Fusarium wilt in Pigeon pea

Major Crops: Papaya, Apple, Wheat, Tomato, Bottle gourd, Cucurbits, PigionPea

Dose / Acre: 286 g/acre for powdery mildew in Papaya, Scab in Apple, Brown rust & Leaf blight in Wheat, Ring rot in Tomato. 572 g/acre for anthracnose in Bottle gourd, Powdery mildew in Cucurbits, Fusarium wilt in Pigeon pea.

Manufacturers of Agrochemicals

Sulphur 90 % WG


  • max sulf-90 wg is a fertilizer which developed by advance technology (wdg).
  • it is a highest sulphur contain fertilizer.
  • it is a ready food for plant because it is in sulfate form so plant can use immediately & up to long time.
  • can be mixed with all fertilizer like DAP, Urea, NPK, etc.
  • increases chlorophyll, so plant remains green that’s why more produce food through photosynthesis activity.
  • increases size & quality of seeds flowers & fruits and branches of plant.
  • protect against fungus diseases.
  • increases protein, fatty, acid & oil percentage in oil seed and pulses crop.

Dose / Acre: 3 kg

Manufacturers of Organic pesticides

EC = Emulsifiable Concentrate || WP = Wettable Powder || SC = Suspension Concentrate || WDG/WG = Water Dispersible Granules

1Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SCSCAZOTEB
2Copper Oxychloride 50% WPWPCOPMAX
3Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenconazole 13.9 ECECSNOOPY
4Cabandazim 50%WPWPBHAROSA
6Cymoxanil 8 % + Mancozeb 64 % WPWPCOURIER
7Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WGWGNOBAL



